The Sparkle Factor
“sparkle factor” = “super power”… we all have one! But sometimes we need some help letting it shine. Join me, Christina Stark, your host & “Queen of Sparkle” for a gem of goodness to help you find motivation and inspiration in 15 min or less! Relatable and real, let me help you find your #sparklefactor and #keepsparkling in whatever you do!
The Sparkle Factor
EP 033: Choice + Determination
Christina Stark
Whether it’s been deliberate or accidental, the CHOICES we make play a part in our daily outcome. It’s also the DETERMINATION (or persistence) we have to stay positive and moving forward through life’s difficulties that allow us to continue to make those CHOICES. As we continue this mini-series, you will see why I chose to introduce both these letters this week.
Join Christina Stark, your host & “Queen of Sparkle” for a gem of goodness to help you find motivation and inspiration to improve your “Sparkle Factor” — that special something that makes you stand out from the crowd — in 15 min or less!